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  • betsyclairebubbles


Elijah: Bless you.

Soooo I was nominated by Elijah K ( ) to answer these eleven questions (and maybe other things but I this is what I'm doing.) (I'm clearly so professional xD)

Questions You Must Answer:

1. What famous person do you most look like?

I've been told a few times that I look like Georgie Henley, who played Lucy in the Narnia movies.

I don't really see it, but I'm honored!

2. What song is your life's soundtrack?

Probably "Brand New" by Ben Rector. It's such a happy, grateful, and relatable song. If I could, I would sing it to all of the amazing people in my life, a small token to show how much I appreciate them.

3. If your life was a documentary, who would you have narrate it?

Uff-da, that's a hard task. B.J. Harrison comes to mind cause he is just such a good narrator. (Seriously, you sould go listen to Classic Tales Podcast.)

4. Tell the story of how you conquered/were defeated by your childhood fear:

Childhood fear... to be honest, I can't really think of any specific ones. I've always been terrified of spiders. Terrified. I don't even know why. But I have killed several spiders in my lifetime so we'll just pretend that is conquering my fear.

5. Who is your second favorite president, and why?

Um... *searches brain for American history* I once did a research paper on Theodore Roosevelt. He was a cool dude. Despite a whole bunch of health struggles and family losses, he led our country well, in my opinion.

(The reasearch paper was literally called "The Not-So-Cuddly-Teddy-Bear" by 5th grade me.)

6. What is your nickname?

  • Betsy-Boo

  • Bubbles

  • Bessy the Beasty

  • Buttsy (simply my favorite....)

  • among others

7. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

Anything that involves constant motion with my arm, sitting in an awkard postition, or craning my neck/back. Washing the floor comes to mind.

Also because this never happens. I've tried. It doesn't work.

8. What was the best thing before sliced bread?

Loaves of bread.

9. Would you rather look like a banana or feel like a banana?

I'm just picturing someone in a super realistic banana costume, so I guess I'd pick look like a banana.

See? Super realistic.

10. If you had the world's attention for 30 seconds what would you say?

For 20 seconds, I would tell them as much as I could of the Gospel, especially the importance of salvation. For the next 10 seconds, I would encourage those already of the faith. Or something like that. I would probably mess my words up a bunch though. The world is a lot of people.

11. What are you currently wearing?

A skirt from a friend and some random black shirt that goes with all my crazy patterned pants/skirts.

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